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Hello. Welcome to Weak Link, were you'll find Contemporary Christian Music On Mission!
My name is Richard Allan Stauch, and this is my music. Through it, God is reaching out to the world with inspiration and hope.

​Now, before I go any further, let me explain what I mean when I call it "my music." And I'll lay it out in a logical form, so we can see how it can be so ('cause, that's the kind of guy I am).
I believe God exists. There is just too much evidence to refuse to believe that. Everything about all that we feel, taste, smell, hear and see; everything about which we know anything; space and time, mass and energy (See: Sidebar); the vast universe and infinitesimal sub-atomic particles; all living things; the world of man, and our struggles with good and evil; how all things work together for an ultimate good; these things, taken all together, evidence the existence of God. They simply scream, "God Is!"
It follows that God created all things. It is His fingerprint that we see in creation, telling us that God exists. Furthermore, the fact that God created all things means that God is all-powerful.
It follows then that God is good. All things, as they were originally created, were good. Whatever things we call bad have come into existence since then, and they show that Creation is under a curse.
That also means that all good things come from God. Everything else comes out of this fallen Creation.
Therefore this music, in it's original form, comes from God. That is why I know I didn't write this music, I just wrote it down. It is my music, but only because God inspired me with it (inspiration is God speaking through us in our own words). That's why I call this Weak Link Ministries. I am the Weak Link. And that's okay, because in my weakness, His power is made perfect.
But that's not all! The goodness of God doesn't stop there. God gives good things to us, not only for us to enjoy, but to share with others. That is how God works with all of us. To each one of us He gives some gifts, not just for us, but to make us a blessing to others.
So I am not making any claim of Special Favor from God to me that I don't also make for everybody else. I am making the same claim for you!
To be sure, not everybody lives out that plan of God, to bless everybody through each of us. But, I hope you see how great it is to deliberately become that for which you are made: To consciously decide to be a blessing from God to others.
I am a gift from God to you, just as each of you is a gift from God to all of us. And in whatever way God has inspired you, your true purpose in existence is to give that to others as a gift from God through you to all.
This music, my music, is exactly that.
And this isn't self-promotion. I decided that, since this music comes from God, it is His music. Therefore, I am not promoting myself. I am promoting Him. And that is the Mission!



Think about this! We know that electricity and magnetism are forms of the same energy. As electricity flows through a wire, it generates a magnetic field around that wire. That magnetic field will generate an electrical flow in an adjacent wire. We use this knowledge every day in electrical transformers.
There are other things that relate to each other in a similar fashion. Two of these relationships are important to note here.
First, note that space and time are unitary. That is, without time, space would be a static thing, immovable. We live in a 4-dimensional reality. We also know that there is another dimension beyond time. We simply don't see it, but we know it's there. (Cosmologic theoreticians remark on this all the time in discussions of String Theory, as they believe that mass comes into existence ex nihilo [from nothing] through strings [theoretical objects that can't be proven to exist, only deduced from mathematical formulae.])
Also note that mass and energy are known to be the same thing. Energy cannot be destroyed, only converted to mass, and vice-versa. (We even have a formula to calculate the relationship: E=mC2)
So, consider: What animates our flesh? How is it that we wake up and move and do things? There can be only one conclusion: We are beings of energy, contained in vessels of mass. And, since energy cannot be destroyed, we know that we go on, beyond death. About this, there can be no doubt. The only question left open is, what form will that energy take?
So take heart! When we die, we don't simply end. We will wake up in a reality that is broader than we have ever known! Whether it will be glorious, or dark, depends on the choices one makes now, in this life.
Because this life is a test. Not that God needs to know anything about us. We need to know what kind of person we are, apart from knowledge of God and His will, internally, where nobody else can see. That is how we make our decision: In isolation.

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