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Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this ministry is to fulfill that mission, to the degree that we are able, with God's help. This is a movement of the Holy Spirit, to bring Unity back to the Church, which Jesus said He would build. For too long, churches have existed in isolation in their communities. It's time for that to end.
We will partner with local churches to bring marginal Christians fully into His will, and draw non-Christians to the point of decision. We use a spiritual magnet to draw people towards Jesus. The "magnet" is the love of God, as expressed by the work of Jesus, and confirmed in us by His Spirit.
Then we will mentor those who've made decisions for Christ, to help them find the will of God for their lives, and grow them into mature believers, taking their place in the mission.

Statement of Process
We will create a list of partner churches in the area to give to those who've come from a distance. We want people to fill their local churches, not drive 50 miles to church on Sunday! That would be burdensome for them, and it would rob the local church! And if there isn't one near them, they should engage in planting one!
We begin by engaging local church leaders in a wide area to ask them to partner with us in this effort. Then we seek a venue centrally located among those churches. We bring people from the wide area to an event where we present the Good News, and ask them to pray to receive salvation, and begin attending a local church. By the end of the event, they have the name and address of a partner church near them. The church's representatives will follow up with those people who have given their contact information.
Yes, there will be record sales. There will be a number of ways for people to get the music, the DVDs, the books and tapes, notes and outlines, and whatever else we develop. We have to pay for the venue, the materials, and all of that, of course! And this ministry must be self-sustaining. We can't help anyone if we are helpless ourselves.
That is not our focus. Our focus must be, and is the same as that of Jesus Christ. We are about getting the Good News out to as many people as we can, so that they can make an informed decision for Jesus Christ. At the same time, we are filling the local churches with people who have given their lives to God!

We are developing a service outline to present a mix of testimony and music, at the end of which we will present an altar call (Salvation Tour). Testimony will provide an interesting series of jump off points into the music.
We will have about 90 minutes of service prepared, with 30 minutes open for local church leaders to break in with their presentation. The entire program won't last longer than about 2 hours.

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